This scientific peer-reviewed journal publishes articles in the areas of cross-disciplinary research concerning the issue of formation of social, economic and humanitarian mechanisms for progressive harmonious development of people, technologies, region biospheres, i.e. biotechnosphere. Journal «Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies» covers such topics as «Ecology», «Construction. Architecture», «Environment Protection. Human ecology». Research materials in the following areas and specialties are accepted:
2.1.4 – Water supply, sewerage, construction engineering for protection of waters
2.1.7 – Construction Process and organization.
2.1.10 – Ecological safety of construction and municipal facilities
2.1.12 – Civil and structural architecture. Creative philosophy of architecture activities
2.1.13 – Urban Planning, rural settlements planning
About the journal
• Founders - Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Southwest State University», Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev», Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University», Research institution of construction physics under the Russian academy of architecture and construction sciences Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)», Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Volgograd State Technical University».
• Has been published since 2013
• Publication frequency: quarterly
• ISSN 2311-1518.
• The mass media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС77-56639 dd. 26.12.2013.
• You can subscribe to the journal in the catalogue "Press of Russia"(subscription index 94005)
Topics included:
• Issues of the theory of biospheric compatibility of towns and settlements.
• Ecological monitoring, humanitarian balance and regulation.
• Biospheric compatible technologies.
• Problems and programmes of regions development.
• Ecological safety of construction and municipal facilities.
• Towns for human development.
Scientific journal "Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies" is an open access journal. You can buy the journal subscribing to it. The subscription index in the union catalogue "Press of Russia"is 94005.
Articles are refereed by leading specialists in the area of construction and architecture and are registered in the Russian Science Citation Index.
Contact details:
Editorial address:
305040, Russia, Kursk, 50 let Oktyabrya str., 94
tel.: +7 (4832) 64-96-51
E-mail biosfera_swsu@mail.ru
Layout editor E.V. Blokhina
E-mail address of the journal: