Biospheric compatibility:

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Editorial Ethics


Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (global research guidance) was adopted by the  2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore) on July 21-24, 2010   ( It contains basic principles of responsible research and is for  recommended for use worldwide  by the   Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.

 The Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)was adopted by the       COPE Council  on March 7,  2011.  

Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (by Irene Hames on behalf of Cope Council) 

Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers

PublicationEthicsCodeThe document was developed by Publication Ethics Committee. 





1. Respect authors’ rights and observe copyright regulations

2. Avoid plagiarism or fraud and/or misuse of the used or obtained data. 

3. Not submit any previously published papers

4. Word (describe) the discussed issue (problem, finding or solution), as well as the used methods (approaches or means) correctly and justify them appropriately so that obtained data can be   reviewed   (verified) by other researchers

5. Ensure that the input of each co-author into the research paper is reflected   appropriately.   


1. Take readers’ and authors’ interests as top priority

2. Ensure good quality of technical editing, makeup and presentation of the papers to be published.

3. Promote and support free exchange of views in their journal. 

4. Adhere to the principles of transparency, scientific integrity, fairness and independency in dealing with authors, reviewers and readers

5. Not allow commercial considerations prevail over creativity issues




1.  Commit themselves to their obligations  and review only the  manuscripts for which they have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper assessment and which they can assess in a timely manner

2.   Be objective, reasonable, constructive and unbiased in their reviews.   

3.   Respect the confidentiality of peer review and not reveal any details of a manuscript or its review, during or after the peer-review process, beyond those that are released by the journal.

4.  Avoidanyconflictofinterests 


 The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE  is a trustee established   by a  l group of journal editors in the UK in 1997   but now has over 10 000 members worldwide from all academic fields. Membership is open to editors of academic journals and others interested in publication ethics Complete list of all CODE guidelines is available at  :

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors /COPE. 2011. 11 p. Available at:

Hames I. COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers /COPE. March 2013. V.1. 5 p. Available at:

Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers / COPE. Available at:  Scientific Publication Ethics Committee is Russian non-profit organization established as a non-profit partnership in   2012. ItsmembersareRussianscientificpublishers


These rules are based on or conform with the mentioned regulations or are their modified replica.  The majority of these rules are available in Russian with relevant commentaries, Большинствоизэтихправилдоступны(сподробнымипоясненияминарусскомязыке: Preparation and publication of a scientific journal. of Editors’, peer review, publication and authors’ ethics best international practice Guidelines of the Сommittee on publication ethics –COPE and Elsevier Publisher. Russian Translation. Moscow., 2013. 140 p. Available at :