for reviewers of the scientific journal "Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies"
All articles submitted to the editorial have to be refereed.
Reviewers are leading specialists in the area of ecological safety for construction and municipal facilities.
The review shall start as follows:
A review should contain comments on article's main issues, overall substantiated assessment, conclusion on the scientific importance of the article and suitability for publication in the journal "Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies".
The following aspects should be evaluated while reviewing:
- conformity to the journal scope;
- general problem statement;
- distinguishing of unresolved aspects of the general problem;
- presentation of research results;
- consistency of presentation;
- language accuracy;
- compactness and clearness of artwork;
- competent use of scientific terms;
- originality and novelty of the research results;
- theoretical and practical importance of the article.
а) recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies";
b) recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies" after revision;
c) not recommended for publication (reason: non-conformity to the journal scope, no significant scientific and applicable findings, etc.).
Reviewer _________________________________
( degree, surname, signature)
«____» ___________________ 20__ .
The review shall be sent in e-mail to, and the original copy (including reviewer's degree, surname, signature and the date) shall be sent by post in two copies to the following address: 305040, Russia, Kursk, 50 let Oktyabrya str. 94 (Editorial board of the scientific journal Biospheric compatibility: human, region, technologies").