Guide for authors
for submission of articles for publication in the scientific journal
"Biospheric Compatibility: Human, Region, Technologies"
• Submitted material shall be original, not published in any other journals before.
• The author of the manuscript should submit to the publishing department the following:
- the manuscript of the article, printed in accordance with the rules of registration submitted for publication in the journal;
- one certified external review, given by Doctor of Sciences;
- one expert report from the institution where the research has been performed. The report should proof the possibility of publishing the articles in the press (it is a must for technical articles; it is at the request of the Editorial Board for articles on economy). For employees of South-West Sate University an expert report is issued in the form 03.121 (see Appendix A P04.018-2016);
• Articles are submitted in 1 hard copy and 1 softcopy (either by email or on any electronic storage device).
• Every author can publish not more than one article, including an article written in co-authorship.
• Within five working days after submission of the materials the Editorial and Publishing Department informs the author by e-mail that the manuscript is accepted (or rejected) for consideration.
• All submitted manuscripts are reviewed. The procedure for reviewing is in accordance with 29.068-2015.
• In case the article is not accepted for publication, the Editorial and Publishing Department informs the author.
• In case the article is accepted for publication, the author signs a licensing agreement 03.074 (see Appendix A).
• The Editorial Board doesn’t consider the manuscripts which don’t meet to the requirements of the journal.
• Post-graduate students do not pay a fee for publication.
• If a review of an article contains recommendations for revision the article is sent to the author for revision. An article sent to the author for revision should be returned with all necessary improvements and a letter from the authors containing the answers to all the comments and explanatory notes to the changes made in the revised manuscript must be attached. In this case the date of receipt of an article to the Editorial Department is the date of receipt of a revised article.
• Abstracts of all articles, keywords, information about authors, lists of references will be freely available at the site of the journal and the site of the Russian scientific e-library - RSEL (the Russian science citation index).
• An article submitted to the journal shall contain the following components:
- general problem statement;
- analysis of the achievements and publications providing solution for the problem which the author relies on; scientific novelty;
- research part;
- justification of the obtained results;
- conclusion based on the research and prospects for the further development of the research area;
- list of references.
• Please do not:
- use vernacular phrases, professional jargon;
- use various similar in meaning technical terms for the same notion and use foreign words and terms if there are Russian equivalent words and terms;
- use authorial word formation;
- use acronyms other than set by the Russian spelling rules and standards;
• Acronyms and abbreviations shall be defined at their first mention in the body of the article.
• Words within a paragraph should be separated by a single space; the text should be typed without forced carry over to the next line; any charter spacing is forbidden.
• An article shall be in Times New Roman, 12 pt, singular line spacing, full justification; paragraph indention is 1.25cm, margins are 2 cm
• An article shall contain:
- title (in Russian and English) of the article which shall be concise and informative; words included in the title shall be clear understood in themselves, not only contextually; complex syntactic constructions, authorial word formation and terms, professional jargon, local dialect words shall be avoided;
- abstract (in Russian and English) which describes purposes and objectives of the research and its possible application, scientific novelty; the recommended size is 500 characters;
- keywords (in Russian and English) which are words and phrases which help find an article and determine the article topical area, i.e. will be used for indexing purposes; usually 5-10 keywords;
- list of references (in Russian and English).
• Index of the Universal decimal classification (UDC), at the left side of the page, with paragraph indentation, 12 pt.
• Below, skipping one line, there should be initials and surnames of the authors, centered, in block letters, 12 pt, upright Roman font (e.g. I.I. IVANOV)
• Skipping one line, there should be the article title, without paragraph indentation, 14 pt, in bold block letters, centered.
• Skipping one line, a short abstract (not more than 10 lines) should be in italics, 10 pt, in Russian.
• Abstract (no more than 10 lines), with paragraph indention, in italics, font 10 pt in English.
• Below each abstract there should be keywords in Russian and English correspondingly.
• All tables, figures and main formulae shall be numbered.
• For formulae and variables MathType 5.2 and newer versions shall be used: usual – 12 pt; large indices – 7 pt; small indices – 5 pt; large symbols – 18 pt; small symbols – 12 pt.
• Formulae are centered and numbered (only those which are referred to); numbers of formulae should be in Arabic numerals in parenthesis at the right margin of the page. The type page should be 75 mm. If the formula is larger, then it is necessary to simplify it or split into several lines. Formulae as images are not allowed!
• All Russian and Greek letters (Ω, η, β, μ, ω, υ etc.), symbols for trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg etc.) should be typed in normal font. Latin letters should be typed in italics.
• Only standard symbols should be used for formulae. Formulae description should start with the word "where" without a colon, without paragraph indentation; each symbol description should be given in a new line.
• Column and line headings start with capital letters, subheadings start with lowercase letters if they are a part of the title sentence, and with capital letters if they are not. There are no full stops at the ends of headings. Text in the table should be not less than 10 pt. Text in columns should be aligned left or centered.
• The word "Table" is at the right side of the page, below center the heading of the table:
Example: Table 1
Heading text of the table
• If at the end of the page the table is broken over and continues at the next page, the bottom horizontal line in the first part of the table is not drawn. On the next page there should be the word "Continued" and the number of the Table:
Example: Table 1 Continued
• Numbering of columns in Arabic numerals is necessary only if they are referred to in the text of the article and in case of break-over and continuation on the next page.
• Figures and other artwork (drawings, schemes, diagrams, pictures, photos) should be placed directly below the text where they are first mentioned. The number of figures should be reasonable. Figures should be in one of the standard formats (TIFF, JPEG, PNG) with resolution not less than 300 dpi.
• Captions for figures (bold italics, 10 pt) should be centered, no full stop at the end of the caption:
Figure 1 - Caption text
• Descriptive information should be in italics, 10 pt and placed below the figure caption.
• Reference list in regular 10 pt font is placed at the end of the article. The heading "REFERENCES" should be in bold, 12 pt font, in capital letters, centered. References should be arranged according to GOST 7.0.5-2008 "References. General rules for referencing". Authors are not allowed to refer to the articles which are still in print. References in the text should be given in brackets.
• At the end of the article information about authors is given (10 pt.) in the following sequence: Surname, name, patronymic (in bold font); institution or organization, degree, academic title, position, address, telephone number, email (regular font). Information about authors shall also be given in a separate file and is obligatory duplicated in English.
Manuscripts shall be sent to the following address: 305040, Russia, Kursk, 50 let Oktyabrya str., 94, SWSU, Editorial and Publishing Department.
Tel. (4712) 22-24-61, tel./fax (4712) 50-48-00.
Layout editor A.G. Kolesnikov